🏡 Home Is My Happy Place

🏡 Home Is My Happy Place 🏡
Do you ever feel like you just want to hug your home …… or better yet, that your home is hugging you!
As I look back and remember all the different places I have lived and called home, they all have special memories. Some places were large and some were not. And yet I loved them all.
I have always been a ‘nester’ at heart.
I believe it’s important and necessary to have a place where we don’t mind leaving but really look forward to returning.
It started with my mom. No matter what our circumstances were, she always made me feel like our home was my safe haven.
Like a big hug!
And she taught me that it’s not the things that are in my home, it’s a feeling.
Oh don’t get me wrong, I am also an organizer. I do like to have a place for things. Not that I don’t have a few ‘junk’ drawers here and there, for sure. But I find (especially as I get older, eek) if I am not organized, I can’t find things. Now if I can figure out a way to help me remember at times what I am looking for in the first place as I mumble to myself from room to room …… but thats a whole different story for another day, teehee!
Home Is My Happy Place
We shape our homes and then our homes shape us’ Winston Churchill.
So go ahead, creating your happy place is easier than you might think. Even though I am DIY’er challenged,  I do believe you can be budget-conscious, throw out the ‘so called’ decorating rules and create the place that is comfortable, safe and brings out the joy and love of your soul. Hang up that picture, if you don’t like it there …… tomorrow, take it down. It’s your place!
believe in finding your own rhythm. And I believe our homes have a rhythm. Together they create the symphony and routines of ones life and inspire the peace and calm of well-being!
Life is crazy and the past couple of years we have all been affected by things we never imagined we would live through.
So as winter is coming to an end, (not soon enough), I look forward to the music of Spring and the ‘putter-around’ aspects it will usher in.

Co-pilot, Riley
the Scottie