🐾🐾PhotoDay, woof woof!


Did you know …….

Today is All American Pet Photo Day……

(Summer time 2017)

Yep, All Day Long, woof woof!

(My favorite little guys)

So be sure to take time today to take pics of your favorite furry family members……

If you know me at all, then you know that it is a daily ritual in my house……

And why not, because……

The journey of Life is always much sweeter with a furry best friend ….. 🐾🐾

A special creature whose time in your heart will outnumber his days on this earth…..for sure.

(Me loves my nap time)
(Me loves people watching too)
(Did someone say Biscuit?)

So do you have ‘nose art’ on your windows and doors….

(I see you in there)

If you are lucky, a dog will come into your life…..

and change Everything! 🐾🐾

Riley, Trigger and I send you love and blessings from Texas y’all!

Co-Pilot, Riley
The Scottie


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