? Woof Woof Wednesday ?

Woof Woof Wednesday …….

Hi y’all!

If your dog had a summer bucket list, what would it be …….

Hang out with their best friend ……


Get in a little yoga time ……

Work that core!
Work that core!

Meet new friends ……dgpk


Catch a few rays by the lake …….

Feeling good!

Do a little shopping …….

IMG_7945 (1)

Maybe go for a swim ……

Okay you little guys, here I come!
Okay you little guys….switch

Did someone say Spa Day ……

Diamonds are not a girls best friend.....

Hang out on the porch
Hang out on
the porch

IMG_8262End the perfect day with your BFFF!

Wishing y’all a very safe and happy Woof Woof Wednesday!

Co-Pilot, Riley the Scottie
Co-Pilot, Riley the Scottie

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