Messy Bun Monday!!

Happy Monday y’all!
And heck yeah, it’s
Messy Bun Monday!
C’mon girls…….. it happens!
My hair may have taken less than 5 minutes to put together, but my heels are killin it!!
Messy Bun Mondays are the Best!


I love Mondays…….
We get to start a new fabulous week!
So yeah, it’s Monday……
Put on your Happy Pants, Dress, Skirt or you favorite Jeans…….
It’s not what we wear……It’s how we wear it!
So yeah,
I exist to be Happy, not to impress.
Happiness is an inside job,
Don’t assign anyone else to that much power over your life.
I have been there, done that……..
My faith has taught me that kindness and positivity is a choice.
So yeah, I love my individuality .


Messy Bun and All!!
So go out and spread love and sunshine and warm the souls around you.
Riley & I send you love with some additional sprinkles today!
Riley the Scottie
Our love and prayers for everyone affected by this weekend’sย horrible storms and tornados in the Canton Texas area.
God Bless you.โž•

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