🔥 Sunday 🔥

🔥 Sunday🔥
WOW, our Sunday services …… 
It’s such a wonderful way to start the day and after today’s service (which I will definitely watch again) that has certainly reminded me just how precious my life is. 
And it also reminds me that we are all special and have the choice which path we will take. Yep, the one I am on right now. 
Oh, the right path will not always be the easiest one but it will always be well-lit. This I have experienced. 

I want to reveal in me the character of the one who has created …… everything. 
The endless feeling of joy, peace and love.
And it’s not just a Sunday practice, it’s what I am. 
– – – – – – – – 
The challenges and crisis …… yep, they will happen …… I will absorb them and then get up and love again. 
🔥 Sunday 🔥
Some women fear the fire …… some become the fire. 
I believe we have always had the power;  it’s step by step/decision by decision and it cultivates in your heart. 
I have not changed myself, He changed me. 
So yeah, I will be who I am and burn!
(Just call me a glow stick, teehee)
Now go do what sets your soul on fire. 

Co-pilot, Riley the Scottie

Self-care tip – – – Read the Bible