🌈Weeeeee It’s Wednesday!

Weeeeee It’s Wednesday, y’all!

So So many reasons to love Wednesdays ……

It’s almost, sorta kinda close to, it’s almost the weekend!

Wednesday is my Wish List Day, what’s on your list?

Wine Wednesday is like a little holiday in the middle of the week! 


Whiskey Wednesday if you are feeling like a bad-ass today!

So yeah, remember that where life plants you, bloom with grace!

You have heard me say it before,

Be your own hero: Plant your own garden, decorate your own soul.

Yep, I am a romantic,

I love long romantic walks down the wine aisle!

A lesson learned from my mom ……

always keep a bottle of wine in the fridge ……you know …… for Wednesdays!

At some point today,

Sit down, be still, give thanks, put your feet up and have a glass of wine!

Weeeeeee It’s Wednesday, y’all!

We wish you a wonderful Wednesday, full of love and joy, sprinkled with kindness.


Riley the Scottie

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