Hello Sunday!

autumn leaves

Hello Sunday!


Sundays have always been one of my favorite days of the week!

It’s a day to take time to enjoy the good things in life.

It’s a day to take time and fall in love with taking care of yourself.

It’s a day to thank God for blessings.

It’s a day to savor your coffee and give your soul a chance to refuel, refresh and renew.

It’s a day for family moments.

It’s a day to do nothing and chill.

It’s a day to ……img_1211_srgb

Oh yeah, it’s a day for football.

(Yes, I love football and no I am not a guy…..)


Go Cowboys!
Go Cowboys!

It’s a day for very little movement.


It’s a day to enjoy nature, whether it’s in the mountains, by a lake, in your back yard oasis or out for a walk with your furry four-legged buddy. (No phones allowed)

It’s a day to be ‘homebuddies’ with your bestie.

It’s a day for that afternoon nap. 

It’s a day to get lost in a new book or even an old favorite. 

It’s a day to stay in your pj’s, all day long.

So yeah ….. Sunday is one of my favorite days.

There is sunshine in my soul today!

So from Texas,

Riley and I wish you a wonderful and soulful Sunday y’all!

Co-Pilot, Riley the Scottie
Riley the Scottie

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