? ?? Texas Gardeners, It’s Tax Free Weekend, Y’all! ?? ?

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Hi y’all!

Of course there are so many activities to plan and do this Memorial Day weekend!!

And if you live in the great state of Texas, it’s the first time that water-efficient products are tax-free over the Memorial Day holiday.

Water-efficient home products from faucets, shower heads to soaker hoses and landscaping plants are sales tax-free this weekend through Monday!

Did you know ……..

Plants that are deemed ‘Texas Superstar plants’ are researched by the Agrilife Extension and Research Services at Texas A&M. Once studied and found acceptable across the state, it is added to the ‘Superstar’ list.

To see the complete list go to http://www.texassuperstar.com./

Other products eligible for sales tax-free this weekend; soaker or drip-irrigation hoses, moisture controls for sprinklers, mulch and many other plants, trees and grasses. (These products are only tax-free for personal use, not commercial)

And the best part is there is no limit on the number of products you can purchase.

Many of these items are probably on sale so this is an extra 8.25% savings!  So happy planting y’all!

Co-Pilot, Riley the Scottie
Riley the Scottie
Co-Pilot, Riley the Scottie
Riley the Scottie



Riley and I wish you a Happy, Safe and Blessed Memorial Day weekend!

Check back with us later this weekend as we share some of our favorite Memorial Day quotes and tributes.   ?? ??? ? ?? ??? ? ?? ??? ? ?? ??? ? ?? ??? ?

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