🎄That Christmas Feeling, Friday!🎄

🎄 That Christmas Feeling, Friday! 🎄
Can you believe it …. Christmas is just around the corner. 
But who’s counting!
It’s a balmy 72 here today, but just wait …… we are in for a ‘Chill’ weekend, yippee! 
And just like that; the fire will be lit, the tree lights will be set to overtime and of course plenty of football to watch …… now will it be red or white tonight  …… who cares, Fa lalalala!  
So it really doesn’t matter if you’re at the beach, in the snowy mountains or sitting out on your patio in Texas, because the feeling of Christmas is what we carry on the inside. 
For some;  watching a Christmas movie, listening to your favorite holiday music, lighting a fire, or just sitting back to take in the glow of the Christmas tree (insert drummer boy roll),
Or maybe …… all of the above! 
Yes, please. 
I say, have it all!
What lifts your Spirit, brings the peace of the Spirit. 
I certainly do not know if the rest of the month will be warm like shorts and flip flops or chilly like a onesie and fuzzy socks to usher in Christmas this year and it really doesn’t  matter, because the ‘chill’ and peacefulness of my life and the season lives inside of me! 
The world is still crazy sometimes, (ahem, well maybe a lot of the time) and if there is something my older self would say to my younger self – Look at things with a new set of eyes. ‘Accept things out of your control’. 
Now, I know some may be thinking, c’mon …… how hard is it to be chill and peaceful at the beach or surrounded by beautiful mountains, touché, however, I am not at either of those places. What I know now, is that I can have those same feelings and not let them slip away after a vacation has ended because (insert trumpet’s) they reside in me.
 Yep, the troubles of life are real and may be hurtful at times for sure, which is why spending my efforts, energy and mostly my time on the things that I can impact have brought me the most joy and peace to my life.  It’s a lesson to learn and re-learn.   There is power in knowing who you are, so that you can be all that God has intended you to be …… because, the world will still be crazy as ever but the world in my heart, mind and soul are chilled and peaceful.
 I am filled with gratitude and awe of God’s creations that surround me. 
Perspective and Faith
Thank you God. 

Co-pilot, Riley the Scottie