💐Words of Wisdom, Wednesday

Wednesdays are the best!

Wednesday is the day I remind myself just how Wonderful life really is.

Stop and smell the roses…..or tulips!

Capture the beauty of the day.

Do things that feed your soul.

Oh yeah, life can be crazy busy and sometimes just crazy crazy…..

So make a promise to yourself today, feed your soul.

Here are some of my favorite quotes that feed my soul…..

Talk to God about everything, there is nothing he can’t handle’

‘With kindness she kills them, with strength she buries them’

Just love everyone, I’ll sort them out later – GOD

‘ God is within her, she will not fail’

‘Weak people revenge, strong people forgive, intelligent people ignore’

‘Honestly, as long as you are happy, who the hell cares’

‘I thank God every day for protecting me from what I thought I wanted and blessing me for what I didn’t know I needed’

Just the other day, someone told me my soul was ‘dope’

Wow….that was so awesome and it reminded me that just a few words is like honey for the soul……

Be Kind, Be Thankful, it will feed your soul.

I wish y’all a Happy Wednesday and we send you love and blessings.

Riley the Scottie

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