💚❤️ Monday Love

Something about mornings in December.

Heck no, no snow for us.
I am always in the middle with this one, love to look at it, but not necessarily wanting to go out in it …… so good thing for me that I live in Texas.
I can remember earlier this year visiting Iowa before the pandemic and yep, we had snow and now all I can say, is why.
It’s gets plenty cold here which makes this time of year special. No matter the weather outside,  December brings out the kid in me. I never get tired of looking at our Christmas tree. There is something so magical about it. The sparkles and lights hitting the ornaments so perfectly, the glow in the fireplace that is so mesmerizing and of course the peace that resides inside me.
When I walked outside with Riley this morning, I looked up and saw a cloud in a shape of a heart. Why yes, I believe in signs.
I feel in harmony with the universe. And yes, I honor the power from within.
Okay, some of you may be thinking, egads, she must be spiking her coffee this morning, HaHa. Here is the tea ……
I don’t believe my life came with a remote control. If I wanted to change something …… I needed to change it. Even to this day. Of course it takes work, I gotta get up and switch the channels.
Yes, I must have some routine in my life. It’s grounding!
However, we all need ‘life’ shifts from time to time. Harmony with this universe and in life is amazing. Yet, I know that after all, dreams do not come to life by sitting in my favorite chair all day or from hitting a button on the remote. Nope there is not an app for it either, (thank goodness).
I am thankful and so grateful that I get to witness another Monday in December. The sky is such a beautiful blue today, the air is cool, (well it’s darn cold right now), and the love and peace of Jesus envelopes me with lots of love.

I know when to stay idle (park and embrace life) and just be and I most definitely know when to shift.
Refuse to stay stuck in park and shift today and be on your way to the life you’ve imagined. Godspeed.
Good Monday morning y’all, sending lots of love!
Blessings from our home to yours.

Co-pilot, Riley
the Scottie