💛Hello Thursday!

Ahhhhhhhh Thursday!

Sometimes it takes for ever to get here, and other times it seems as if the week has flown by,

and then,

it’s Thursday already, yipee!

Of course I try to look at every day on it’s own and enjoy each one ……


I love me some Thursdays!

Thursday has so many meanings for me ……

  • The ‘eve’ before Friyay – I love that the weekend is almost here!
  • Thankful Thursday – I woke up, healthy, alive and blessed!
  • Throwback Thursday – The only thing I am throwing back tonight is some wine!
  • Throw it out Thursday – Look around, throw out at least one thing!
  • Thinking of you Thursday – Call or text someone and make their day!
  • Thursday Night Football – Well enough said!!

So yeah ……

So many reasons I love Thursday!

And not just because she sits next to Friday!!

Did everything go as planned?

Ahhhhh that would be a big fat No ……

But I made it!

And started my day with my Happy Dance, BooYah!

Riley still does not get my early morning Happy Dance ……

So I wait until Saturday to dance with him, woof woof!

Any hoo, sending you love and blessings all Thursday long.

Now go kick some butt.

Happy Thursday,

From me and Riley.


Riley the Scottie)

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