Monday Morning Glory!


Good Morning Gorgeous People,

Oh yeah, it’s Monday ….. Don’t forget to be Awesome!

You own your inner peace and joy …. don’t let anyone take it from you.

And if you meet someone today who needs a little joy, share yours. Remember  we don’t have to wear a sign telling people we are joyful, they will know by your actions.

So my dear friends, even if you are facing issues at work, school or maybe issues with people ……..

Having Joy does not mean you are not serious. Having Joy does not mean you can’t laugh at yourself. Having Joy does not mean you will not face difficulties.

Joy is our birthright.

There is always something to be thankful for and rejoice!

Oh yes, my dear friends ……. Joy is a decision.

Respond to Life, Choose Joy!

From our soul to yours, Riley and I send you Love and Joy today and everyday.

Riley the Scottie, Co-Pilot!
Riley the Scottie,

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