💤 National Nap Day!

National Nap Day!
Of course this is one of my favorite days. Hey, we just lost an hour of sleep, so today will definitely be a nap day for me. But of course, Riley is already on his second nap of the day, Ha!
I love afternoon naps. Not embarrassed to say.
Anywho, naps are so good you.
And with a cloudy cool day like today …… oh its on the agenda.
Did you know ……
Mid-afternoon naps are an integral part of most cultures, and scientifically proven to be good for you.
I know some are just not nappers. But I bet if you try it ……
Most people are sleep deprived even before day-light savings time. C’mon people, it’s not ‘lazy’ people who takes nap. Naps improve our performance, productivity and best of all our mood. YaY!
Naps will not make up for long periods of lost sleep, but they do help to revitalize our mind and body.
Yep, I could probably go on and on about napping but it’s time for me to bundle up with my favorite blankie and take my nap.
Happy National Nap Day!

Co-pilot, Riley
the Scottie