🧡 Saturday Love 🧡

🧡 Saturday Love 🧡
There is just nothing better than starting the day with a neighborhood walk and then sipping hot coffee next to Riley, all cozy and comfy. 
As I sit out on the patio, I am reminded just how lovely the Autumn season is. Warm days with cool evenings and mornings, oh my ghord …… life is special! 
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The squirrels are out and ‘Riley patrol’ is on.  Thank goodness he can’t climb trees …… ahem, but he has tried. He and the squirrels; its a morning chase that can get intense. But no worries, he’ll be snoring soon! 
And I will be watching football …… Go Hawkeyes. 
🏈 🖤💛 🏈
Saturday Love
This is a special time of year. Summer hasn’t said goodbye yet, but she’s packing her bags! And she’s telling us to unpack and pull out our sweatshirts and sweaters. I love wearing sweatshirts and shorts, it’s definitely a Fall tradition and a sign of changing seasons. 
Our lawns are still green and the leaves are the same, but the season is changing and that brings a sense of change that seeps into my soul.
Each season has it’s own unique influence on me. You know; ‘change with the season of life, don’t try to stretch the season into a lifetime’. 
Hence, Pumpkins,  Ghords and Plenty of Orange & Spice all around! 
Me likey! 
And then you add football into the mix …… the day is on Fire!

Co-pilot, Riley
the Scottie

Dear God, thank you for the change of season and reminding us to take time to rest and enjoy the wonders of your creations.