Daily Archives: November 21, 2022

Count Down to Thanksgiving

Count Down to Thanksgiving! 

What seemed far away is now just a few days away. This is one of my favorite holiday’s and season! 
Of course I will eat and drink much and watch a whole lotta football. 
This weeks started out perfect; a beautiful church service, a Cowboys team that was on fire and a chilly night by the fire as the Christmas lights were sparkling inside and out! 
There is something about decorating a smidge early – days and nights of pure joy and peace. 
As the sun comes up and goes down and the seasons come and go, there is magic in the air. 
And we get to share another holiday season together, Riley remains the perfect little Scottie. He seems to feel the magic too! 
Hope is never gone. 

So yeah, it’s colder and darker in the mornings when we get up …… I like it! Life sometimes seems like its running like the speed of lite …… so I savor all these moments. They all matter. Each moment. 
Oh this world can be chaotic and we are mere human vessels. 
I choose to live in the positive mode. 
I want my vessel runneth over with love, joy, peace and kindness. 
Hey, bad and unfortunate things happen to us.
That’s why my savior is Jesus Christ. 
It changes …… everything. 
Later this week as I am making our Thanksgiving dressing (my mom’s recipe), the music will be playing, the Christmas lights will be on and we will be filled with the anticipation of our family gathering. 
I know that this week can become full of craziness especially when you want it all to turn out perfect. So, take it from this ol girl, take time to enjoy these days and moments. In the end, its our love and kindness that leaves lasting memories for you and your family. 
Fill your vessel with love and kindness and spread that stuff around! 
It matters.

Co-pilot, Riley
the Scottie

Dear God, Thank you for today and every day full of blessings. You make me realize, it all matters. Amen.