Daily Archives: December 17, 2023

Sunday Post, December 17

Sunday Post, December 17

This gorgeous day started off so wonderfully.
Christmas tree lights glowing, sun peaking up over rooftops, hot coffee in hand, Riley laying nearby and music playing.
And then eating breakfast looking out the window!
My morning breakfast prayer to God is like my direct phone call to him –
and then what happens ……
My intuition …… is God telephoning me back!
Oh it most definitely happened this morning.
God winked at me.
I know that right from birth we are equipped with a highly intelligent navigator that through an internal-voice, (God’s wink) it aligns us with people and events who assist us in meeting our destiny and not straying down the wrong path. (Losing our way) .
It provided the perfect home for me on this heavenly earth. Peace and quiet in my heart, soul and living out this wonderful life.
All throughout life in every single day and often throughout each day, I have always prayed to God. Prayer is like a cleansed and restoration for my soul.
When I pray, coincidence happens, when I don’t – they don’t’, William Temple. 
When we pray, we focus on constructive thinking. (Provided you do not only pray in difficult times).
Consistently praying teaches me to step out of the way and let His force work for me.
Sundays are always special. And this one has definitely created an overwhelming amount of energy and joy in our home today.
This is the time for us. This is the place for us.
Wishing you a ‘Godwink’ day!