Monthly Archives: June 2024

The Eddie Report

The Eddie Report
My oh My …… Eddie is 10 weeks old!
And ringing the bell to go outside to do his bizness is totally working.
So yeah a few weeks of going out every couple of hours has paid off.
Eddie & I are early to bed buddies and the past few days he only needs to go out once during the nite before we rise for the day.
Oh we celebrate all accomplishments …… in our home.
Just another smart little Scottie in the making!
Another week of this and it will be time to teach some basic commands!
Patience, Consistency and lots of Love & Kindness are key.
I am full of gratitude and confidence, for sure.
Because we are not on our own!

Eddie still sleeps a lot but he no longer cries at nite when I put him in his crate. His crate is right by my bed so he can see me and usually he is conked out and just flops when placed in it.
I am love!
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Today, we listened to music and had our first real dance. Okay, I did have to turn the tunes down a little. Loud music –  he is not a fan, yet!
And I have actually left him in his crate for a few hours to go out. He’s still not too happy about it, but my camera shows me he settles down soon after I leave and is one happy little boy upon my return.
I know the fingerprints of God remain on us.
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Broken doesn’t mean it’s over. And recently I was broken for the loss of Riley and then the pieces of my heart were put back together!
My love runs deep for my Eddie.
And my heart no longer hurts.
My family stayed by my side during a difficult time and I am forever thankful for the love and connection we share.
A couple of my dear friends showed me the true meaning of friendship! Something that really has no measurement.
So yeah, a beautiful Sunday with a 10 week old Eddie is a gift!
Summer has started and it’s going to be a great one!
Blessings from Eddie and me!

Dear God, I know that faith in you does not remove my trials but gives me strength to overcome them. You have sent me a miracle in the shape of a furry little Scottie, named Eddie.
My faith is not an emotion, it’s a decision to stand in your word. Thank you.