Daily Archives: July 5, 2024

Friday Love

Pinch me ……
It’s the 5th of July and we are in for several days of temps hitting in the low 90’s. Definitely a 4th of July gift!
As I watched some fireworks and concerts on TV last night, Eddie was sound asleep on the sofa by my side. When we went outside the smell and sounds of fireworks was in the air, but he didn’t seemed fazed or scared. He was more into trying to catch the little bugs in the grass!
And waking up to a beautiful cooler morning is definitely nice.
Maybe Eddie and I can actually have some outdoor patio time, yippee. Of course this morning a huge hawk was on a neighbor’s rooftop so the leash remains a part of Eddie’s appendage. But Eddie is so use to it, thank goodness.
That hawk from faraway looked bigger than Eddie, jeez.
Plus, we have both gotten use to playing inside in the nice cool house.
He is so good at playing ‘fetch’ and returning the ball. Sometimes he looks like he is on ice as he runs on the tile floor. Pretty darn funny to watch.
Brushing his teeth is getting somewhat better. He still is not a big fan of it but I will do it every nite to get him more use to it. Those little baby ‘razor’ like teeth have left many marks on my arms. But hey, that’s all part of it.
A trip to the drug store to stock up on bandages and neosporin is on the list!
And this morning we had our morning dance and our day will be filled with music.
Well, what more can a girl ask for ……
Thank you, my Lord!
Wishing  you a glorious day full of Friday Love.
Fireworks on TV not keeping this boy up!