Daily Archives: July 14, 2024

The Power of Sunday

The Power of Sunday!

It’s quite a wonderful feeling to experience a beautiful Sunday morning with Eddie by my side. 
Oh the heat will be cranking up which is another reason I love waking up early. The breezy morning actually feels good. The lawn is still looking so green and lush and all my plants are doing great. 
Yesterday’s pool day was perfect hanging out with my sister. After a little laundry and rearranging the afternoon was complete with a little nap while Eddie shared the sofa with me. 
Pinch me! 😉
And now Sunday is definitely full of joy and happiness streaming throughout our home.
A little rocking time under the patio out of the sun while watching Eddie chew on his new stick brings big smiles to my face. 
Over the past couple of nites I have put Eddie up on the bed while I read a bit before placing him in his crate. He curls up and conks out and is a limp noodle when I place him in his crate for the evening. And this morning after our first outing outside, we returned to the bed for a couple more hours of sleep and he did so good. Once I felt him start to move and walk up towards my face I knew it was time to get up! 
Oh Sunday, you are the best. 
I will continue to look within and find the bubble of love and let it flow out. 
Because we should all revel in who we are! 
As for me, I remain conscious of all my treasures! 
I know that life and aging are the greatest gifts. 
And having a Scottie!! 
And there is nothing better than a quiet Sunday at home.
 Lately my TV movies and shows have been a little more limited. You know, we get to choose what we watch and I much prefer to shed the negative and over dramatic content. Who needs all that emotional mental clutter anyway. 
I get so much spike in my energy and wellbeing by turning off the TV and my Ipad (digital detox).
Sometimes listening to music, sometimes listening to Eddie chew on his toys, sometimes playing fetch with Eddie and sometimes complete silence as Eddie sleeps. It’s the perfect time to give thanks and reset my frame of mind. 
The Power of Sunday! 
Be well. 