Daily Archives: August 5, 2024

Monday Evening Post

Monday Evening Post

Guard duty has commenced

Now what is better than an after dinner sit by the window while Eddie is intensely watching for any type of movement beyond our front windows.
There are frequent deep growls as cars pass by. It’s a little too hot for dog walkers; thank goodness no one is putting their pups in danger. Because in a few hours the pavement will cool down.
Eddie is 17 weeks old and I gotta say, he is one smart little Scottie.
Of course I think all dogs are pretty darn smart, they just need to be taught how to behave!
After sleeping several nights in my bed, he slept in his crate (in my room) last night and slept all through the night.
We added the command ‘stay’ to our training again today and he did so so good. Of course I know once we are around people his attention span will disappear so it will take a whole  different level of training …… I’m in!
And once again, while we were outside today I thought a low flying plane was above, oh no …… it was that hawk, grrrrrrr.
But one day Eddie will be large enough that I will not be so worried about him.
As we sit in our matching chairs,  Eddie has taken to them nicely. They both have the perfect view outside. It’s fun watching him move from the chair to the ottoman as he monitors all the movements. He still cannot jump up all by himself but that day will come.

I love the view!

During the day he lets me know when he wants to play fetch or wrestle and he definitely entertains himself a lot with his toys. He still sleeps a lot so I will put him on the sofa for his naps. And he has some favorite areas where he loves to nap so whatever Eddie wants …… Eddie get!
We have a couple busy days mid week. And after that I have several days of new yard work that I am excited about. Yes, I am one of those girls that gets excited about my yard. I am still in awe of the beauty that greets me each day as I step outside my back door. And I don’t believe it will ever go away!
Well of course this is one of our hottest weeks so I will pace myself.
As I in-vision my plans for my yard projects
I actually see Eddie’s eyes closing …… a little too much stimulation I am sure.
So it’s time to return to the living room where he can plop and snooze and I can watch a little of the Olympics. Those Olympians are amazing!
Wishing you a great Monday evening.

Angel sleeping