Daily Archives: August 16, 2024

Fabulous Friday

Fabulous Friday
Because what else can I say ……
Yes we have felt the summer heat and will for the next week, but nothing that a sister pool day, a yummy lupper day with a spicy bloody mary and the excitement of an upcoming weekend (that will be sure to include some nesting time) will deflate my spirits.
Oh the sun has shown her intensity so the afternoon hours are most definitely spent inside. Playing fetch works just as well!
And there are no more hallway barricades for Eddie. Nope, he gets to run freely throughout the house. And since we spent time in the different rooms playing fetch, he knows the lay of the land. Except now I am not lifting him up and over to get to them. He does wander a bit but mostly stays close by. For now one of his favorite places is under our bed. He can squeeze under it but soon …… I don’t think so. HA!
The bell training continues to be the best way to house train, IMO. He rings it, I acknowledge it so he knows I am coming and if I take too long he will ring it again, or slams it!
I am so looking forward to some cooler temps so we can stay outside longer, but those days will be here soon enough. This has been a great summer season, for sure!
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Our backyard project is coming along. We will take a long weekend off and will be wrapped-up by mid week.
I must say that the organization I have completed thus far leaves me feeling very satisfied. I have always been a ‘Organizer’ so even in retirement the thrill is still there. Plus, movement is good for the body, brain and my soul. And I already know that once we get closer to Fall, I have a little more thinning out of excess odds and ends to repurpose or donate and that will be the cherry on top!
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There is this misconception that as we get older we just can’t do as much as we use to. I will admit, I have limits and know when I need assistance for some of the heavy lifting but I also believe that if we let that type of mindset establish itself, it’s too easy of a trap to fall into.
I definitely still have the initiative and determination to keep moving as much as possible. There are habits that we form and yet we can change those habits and our body will respond.
Now, I am not foolishly working outside in the yard in 100 degree temps anymore and definitely  pace myself when I am outside but I know it’s more common as we age to be afraid to push one’s self because of self-conscious old expectations we may develop.
Not Here!
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Today is a good day for a little music, a little house cleaning, a little cooking and a lotta time playing with Eddie. Of course he is enjoying his morning siesta right now so our tempo will pick up as soon as he awakens.
It’s already a fabulous day and one for the memory book!
Love and peace!