Daily Archives: August 24, 2024

The Eddie Report

The Eddie Report

Wow, 20 weeks old! Hard to believe and yet not!
I am so pleased that Eddie seems to be fully house trained. And since my last report when I mentioned he has been able to roam around the entire house and since the rooms are not new to him (not that we have many) he has been very impressive.
A few pee accidents very early on (after arriving to his new home) and thats it ……  see, very impressive.
Woof Woof!
It’s been many years since a puppy has been in our home and it’s funny how observant they are. Watches every move.
Well except last nite, I might have had the music a little too loud and playing a little too late. He actually went into his bedroom crate. He started in his main crate but I think it was still too close to the music and soon I found him curled up in his bed. Still too early for me so I let him sleep a bit and then got him up to go outside. Of course then the zoomies hit him! Racing around for a good 10 minutes before crashing.
I think I found the perfect nightly ‘elixir’!
A little fresh air, zoomies and then crash into bed!
And guess what, for the past two nites, we get up around 5 am but are back to bed and he doesn’t wake me up until 7 or 7:30!
Two nites in a row, but now I am not sure I like it.
Getting up at 4:30 – 5:00 ish and then back to bed until 6 am has been special. Seeing the sun rise and feeling the stillness of the morning is quite special.
Call me crazy because even though I may be on autopilot for a bit in our early morning rise-time, I have come to really enjoy having a couple of hours when most people are still in bed and the noises of the world have not yet arrived.
Maybe I need to give the ‘elixir’ another try and start a smidge earlier.
It actually has worked quite nicely on me too! Can’t say I moved much last night either!
Could it be that my ‘elixir’ (a little grey goose and cranberry juice)  might have contributed to my sound sleep, maybe!
Hey, we were celebrating 20 weeks of total happiness and joy having this little Eddie in our home!
And since today is another hot one for us, it’s the perfect time for a little house cleaning, music (softly playing) and who knows what else. The seasons at least by the calendar are about to change and I am definitely excited about it.
God is not done, with us!
