Daily Archives: August 25, 2024

Let Your Soul Shine, Sunday!

Let Your Soul Shine, Sunday!
Oh my, isn’t Sunday the best.
Up very early and loving it. It just seems to work for us?
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Enjoying a cup of hot coffee and giving thanks for today.
Plenty of time to let the coffee linger before making a yummy Sunday brunch.
It’s kinda silly when knowing it’s going to be 99 degrees today and yet my mind is most definitely thinking ‘Fall’ thoughts.
My dreams last night were about colorful leaves, cooler temps and a few hot toddies. Well of course football too!
When football season starts we are always still wearing shorts and flip flops and I have no complaints about that!
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Sunday mornings; reminds me to give thanks regardless of any negative news and worries and focus on stepping out on the path that embraces the happiness of Sunday.
Sunday is that special day of the week that covers so many emotions.
It could be a day of staying in my PJ’s all day that defines the meaning of hibernation. It could be a day when a little gardening brings a sense of peace and accomplishment that makes my heart sing. It could be a day of baking and cooking, oh Fall baking is the best! It could be a day spent with family while we break bread and enjoy time with each other. It could be a day of no planning and just letting the day flow as I dance to the rhythm of my soul!
And mostly, Sunday is the day filled with the sweet presence of the Holy Spirit guiding my steps.
May this Sunday you find inspiration in the Word of God and strength in prayer.
Dear God, Thank you for giving me the strength to embrace all parts of myself. To give and receive love with authenticity and find joy in the unexpected moments. May I always remember the gift of this life and be the hero of my story and ever so  grateful for the borrowed time I’ve been granted. Thank you for my sweet little Eddie. Amen.