Monthly Archives: September 2024

Free Spirit Friday

Free Spirit Friday

When I actually bounced out of bed full of hope, love and happiness and get to look into the eyes of  my precious Eddie …… you betcha it’s definitely a Free Spirit Friday that is about to unfold.
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After a period of heaviness in my soul earlier this year, the past several months have been a true new awakening.
Oh it’s not easy to let vulnerability expose itself. It felt like a heart attack; an emotional attack on my soul. And thats when I know that the vulnerable emotion will awakens one’s heart and we come ‘face-to-face’ with our purist emotions.
I went deep to find the lessons and teachings that would ultimately set me free!
I don’t believe vulnerability is always about painful and heartbreak.
I have experienced vulnerability when I know I needed to spend more time in meditation and prayer. When I needed to read His Word. When I needed to listen to soulful music. When I needed time with Jesus.  Which lead me to being vulnerable because I needed to learn and understand that being vulnerable is a source of strength. It is an invaluable strength and not a crippling one.
It is an upward energy surge to the higher self, and my connection to God. (For some your Source may be different.) For me I know that when I am vulnerable and open I see and experience the magical array of colors in this garden of life. For my vulnerability is a gift to an endless field of possibilities.
And I am not walking away from any of it.
I know that unexpected things will happen. And many may leave me feeling immensely vulnerable. And initially this will seem unbearable but in time it’s through this vulnerability, that will lead me to find my deeper truth.
And strengthen my connection to my Source, God.

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We have nothing but near perfect weather on tap for the weekend, plenty of play time with Eddie, lots of patio time and whole lotta football to watch and you can’t watch football without football food and drinks nearby!
But no matter what happens today or this weekend, I am open to the slow pace of life and allowing myself to be open and vulnerable to this sacred pilgrimage of life!
Free Spirit Friday!
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