Monthly Archives: January 2025

Rest Eddie, Rest

Rest Eddie, Rest.
Ahhhhh the old ‘snip snip’ procedure. Yep, Eddie is 9 months, two weeks old and he had his surgery yesterday.
The vet called and said he did well and was still out of it but will be ready to come home soon. A few hours later, she called back. Eddie was waking up, pulled his IV catheter out and ate it. She said it’s all plastic and he should pass it …… she said he wants to go home but assured me he is doing fine.
Last night after we got back from a short walk, he is already jumping up on the sofa. So it’s definitely crate time for a while.
He growls and barks for few minutes but then he slept through the whole nite. I could hear him moving around and chewing on one of his toys but did not bark to get me up, although I did get up a little earlier for our first walk of the day.
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So for a couple of weeks not only am I layering on clothes before venturing out, I remove his onesie before placing his harness on. Thank goodness I planned for this and bought two of them for him which is so much better than wearing that cone. And since I am home with him, I can make sure he doesn’t try to get to his incision area.
Oh, I gotta be fast between changes, he is real fast!
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So after we are back from our second walk, he lays in his crate and settles in for the first of many (hopefully) naps. I turn the soft jazz on and soon he is snoring, such a good boy.
I promise him after two weeks of convalescing, we will go have some playtime at the park and doggie day care is definitely on his calendar!
We will be experiencing another cold blast and it is supposed to be colder than before. Hence, my layering will continue. I do have to strip down once inside because the blast of heat and warmth definitely warrants a different OOTD inside.
Well, I have planned for the next freeze with plenty of provisions. I am hoping none of the precipitation returns. And the good news; it’s supposed to last for only about 4 days.
Lots of reading, cooking and TV time. All great wintertime activities!
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Furry pillows, blankets and candles burning …… we are ready for some more Wintering. And with the sun shining …… well c’mon, does retirement get any better.
Of course summer with pool days are pretty amazing too.
But to enjoy all the seasons and the power of Winter is awe inspiring, for sure.
Most all the snow around here has melted but you can see a few patches hiding in the shade that are still hanging on. Eddie continues to sneak a bite when he can. Silly Eddie.
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I drove back to the Vets this morning to pick up his prescription; a mild sedative. I don’t want him knocked out, just a little more chilled. Since I am home all day with him, I would rather he not be confined to his crate until nighttime. Time will tell but he immediately came over and laid down next to the couch and is back in a state of slumber.
Such a sweet boy!
I remember thinking after Riley passed that I was getting too old to raise a puppy. Well yeah, it takes a whole lot of patience but I can’t imagine life without Eddie. He certainly has his own personality and traits unlike Riley (as he should) but there is no denying we have developed love and companionship that will not be broken.
Going through the moving from our old home to our new one and all that is involved in it, we did alone and together. Now that creates a bond that is stronger than ever.
So as our days are spent in the glow of the sunlight hitting the windowpanes, the rotation of music filling our home and of course the walks around the ponds, wintering so far is treating us good.
I am hoping the angry winter does not show up. At least not all of it. The bitter cold will but hopefully that’s all. Because I am a ‘realist’ too and I am aware how a bad winter can be so exhausting under normal circumstances. The layering can get tiring, the skies turn grey and there are no signs of wild life in the water. Heck, hardly any signs of human life outside.
But I digress …… because when ‘real’ winter hits and it will …… I will stay grateful for our home and all that we have and will remain possessed by love, faith and devotion to Jesus.

Stay well.
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