The Promise of Spring!
Hey we must all do what we need to do, to get past these brutal winter days. Oh, winter did come and I looked it straight in the eye. Mine were watering from the freezing temps and the feel of barbs in my throat, but I did not back down. When I think about my little Eddie even with his winter jacket on seemingly unfazed by the cold, I knew I would get through it.
And it looks like we will have one more morning of (way too cold) temps and then the sights of Spring will be arriving!
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Not sure winter will take a permanent leave, but here’s to hoping!
And since we moved in the middle of our winter season, maybe that’s why it did not seem to drag on tooooo long …… but a few months of cold is enough for me.
There were tricks to get me through ……
Our pantry shelves are plenty full. I actually like cooking no matter the season. And there are some favorites recipes that are best in certain times of the year so yeah, we are well-fed!
And let’s talk about sleep. I have taken an occasional nap but definitely do not seem to take them as much as I have in the past. And maybe that is why, I am sleeping so darn good at night.
Okay, the occasional champagne or wine might help! And even though I remain an early bedtime girl, I am hoping once our days are longer, I will manage to stay up longer and enjoy some evening balcony time!
Can’t wait.
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And no matter what, we all experience Wintering differently. I can’t say that I have become a winter girl – nope, still prefer shorts and flip flops but I know I will have many many years of experiencing winter with Eddie so one thing I have learned this Winter is that survival is a practice. Nature shows us all this.
Winter will come around again and again and again, if we are lucky enough to witness it!
And it signals a change.
Well you probably already figured out – I am so ready for the next change/season.
I, like many, may emerge a bit slowly though from this season because another burst of cold just may be lurking around the corner and is not quite ready to give us a final goodbye.
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But I know that each season brings its own unique story to life. So as the new season is soon to arrive, we atone for the past and begin to shed the layers that were so needed during winter. We are lighter and ready to inhale the sunshine and warmth of the next season. Count me in!
So as I look forward to warmer days, I am getting excited to leave Winter behind. We have learned a lot this past wintering.
We have survived!
Let the thaw commence.
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The new world will soon be gleaming with the colors of Springtime and sounds of nature that will be shedding their hibernating life. I am so ready for it, are you?
And since we moved just a few months ago, my Springtime house cleaning will be so easy. Bonus!
The gift of downsizing just keeps showing up.
With the promise of a warmer week ahead, I can’t wait to take Eddie back to the dog park. I can’t wait to sip some iced tea (or a little champagne) and read out on the balcony. I can’t wait to experience our first Spring in our new home. I can’t wait to experience the gifts of Gods grace and blessings in the next season of our life!
The sun is shining today and the Promise of Spring is near.
Peace to you.
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