3.0 Thursday

3.0 Thursday!

Of course you have heard of getting your 2.0 on, but it’s time for 3.0.
I mean c’mon, we made it through a pandemic.
And even with the world being so topsy turvy; extreme weather that is happening, the cost of living that goes up it seems like by the second and sickness and diseases that we do not have cures for …… well, it all can be exhausting.
So it’s time for 3.0.
And I know that the definition of ‘best self’ is so subjective.
I don’t believe one’s best self needs or probably should stay the same. And I don’t believe one’s best self means always winning. Hey, I am old enough (just not quite old enough) to know that all areas of my life will encounter difficulties. But my best self is all about facing those difficulties and challenges …… you know ‘showing up’.
It’s a very personal matter and not.
Very personal to me in that ‘self love’ is the key ingredient.
It’s like the anchor to my soul.
I believe one cannot provide unconditional love until you love yourself, fully.
For me, the grey hairs, the new wrinkles that appear (daily), my overall muscle strength that is not what it use to be, my love of ice cream and strawberries, oh the list could go on and on and on ……
And then 3.0 kicks in!
I love my grey hair, I love my wisdom wrinkles and if it’s too hot and humid for an outside walk then my inside gym and meditation room gets plenty of use!
But ice cream and strawberries …… they will always be in my life.  HA!
(So thankful)
Hey, I know and feel at times too that the mountain is a high steep climb.
And we will all have failures in our life.
A failure does not mean the end of the world …… it means I get another chance.
And when self love is happening, I can step out of my ‘comfort’ zone because my self love will not waiver.
As much as I love routine, I also love to shake things up. I know that perfection is the first step to procrastination and luckily for me I have never been a procrastinator. I know how important it is to set goals, adjust as needed and celebrate. (With ice cream and strawberries)!
You know I could write and write and write some more about 3.0 but my 3.0 version is telling me to enjoy a second cup of coffee all while listening to Riley during his morning siesta time (snore snore), and enjoy the flowers and garden from our window!
My morning prayer and meditation time will still be happening, just been pushed back a smidge.
It’s 3.0 Thursday, all day long!

Co-pilot, Riley
the Scottie

Dear God, Thank you for never leaving my side in this wonderful journey of life. When I needed a little nudge, you provided, and when I needed some extra strength, you never failed. Your wisdom and love continues to set my soul on fire. I know my 3.0 version is not on the path alone. May we climb higher and higher in love, peace, joy and good health. Amen.