Make it a Simple Sunday for your Soul!

Good Morning Sunday!
Good Morning Sunday!


Good morning y’all!

I hope you had a wonderful scary Halloween last night.  Are you feeling a little tired or out of sync …….

Could it be a little too much Halloween candy, pumpkin ale, pumpkin bread, oh boy the list could go on and on and on, right …….

Or it could be the end of Daylight Savings …….

Even though technically we do get an extra hour of sleep ……. well not for me, because I stayed up an hour longer. Ha!

Of course I always have thought, that Sundays should come with a pause button.

And especially in the fall and winter months. Well,  when it is dark by suppertime do you wear your pjs to the table ……. c’mon ……..go ahead and admit it!

OMG it is so much fun, of course on many Sundays especially this time of year, I have been known to wear my pjs to the table for breakfast, lunch and dinner! Hey Pajama’s All Day ………..Love it!!

Well I do make it from the bed to couch at least ………Ha!

A Simple Sunday, I call it!

And there are so many things to do on a Simple Sunday ……

  • Drink an extra cup of coffee or tea
  • Read all of the Sunday paper
  • Make pancakes
  • Cuddle on the couch all day
  • Watch football all day
  • Stay off-line all day
  • Hair up, bra off and wear sweats all day ….. oh yeah girls!
  • Take a nap with your furry 4-legged buddy
  • Light a fire
  • Sip hot chocolate under a blanket

Make it a Simple Sunday!

There is nothing more comforting than staying home on a Sunday and enjoy doing nothing. Take time to refuel your soul. Today is a day to pay more attention to your creator than your critics.

Start your day off with a warm heart. Be kind, be thoughtful, be thankful. Warm your soul!

Riley and I send you love and kindness and Sunday Blessings. Of course he and his buddy, Trigger have already started their Sunday nap time!

Have a beautiful Sunday and we’d love to hear from y’all, Woof Woof. ??

We love Sunday Naps! Woof Woof ??
We love Sunday Naps!
Woof Woof ??


I have a special shout-out to the Iowa Hawkeyes ……

Go Hawks!!

Great game yesterday and they are still undefeated, 8 – 0 …… Very exciting !!!


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