Happy Birthday Dear Sister??

To My Sister?


To My Sister!!!

The best gift my mother gave me was…… my sisters!  I was lucky enough to have grown up with 4 beautiful sisters. And today I want to wish my sister and best friend a Happy Birthday!?

Even though we may be miles apart, we are always nearby. My sister and I are best friends forever.  When you miss someone, it’s your heart reminding you that you love them. And I do miss my sister.

Do you believe in angels? Well, I do …… and my sister is one.

We have shared joys and sorrows and a whole lot more. We never get bored talking about the past …….. it’s called memories ……. and we have so many!

My sister is the one I can call anytime, whether it’s to laugh, cry or even complain. She can hear my heart, feel my soul and is my lifelong friend.

We laugh at each other jokes, understand our different moods, give advice and sometimes just listen listen and listen. Our conversations my seem silly to others but they mean the world to us. Sisters Get It!!

I love my sister and with each passing year we continue to grow closer and closer. Sometimes we talk often, sometimes not but it doesn’t seem to matter because the feeling of closeness always remains.

I will never forget that I had the greatest friend as a kid and I got to keep her for the rest of my life!

I am lucky to have a sister like you. You remain a kindred spirit and I am always here for you. You are the best kind of sister and I love you.

Roses are Red, Violets are Blue, Soul Sisters for Life

Me and You! ?

Have a wonderful day and see you soon! Socks, pjs and bottle of wine …… yippee?

Riley sends you a Woof Woof too and can’t wait to see you!

????  H A P P Y    B I R T H D A Y    T O   M Y    F A B U L O U S   S I S T E R ????




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