Gardening Girls!
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What a treat to have your bestie who loves to share gardening loves and woes. And since it’s now August (the worst) month for gardening around here, our stories are filled with laughs and some colorful comments.
We say it every year; love love love summer but not in August!
Yesterday was a first for both of us. A rather ‘creepy’ looking thing on her tomato plant. This beautiful plant that has produced some gorgeous and tasty tomatoes she kept saying and then this little creature that made her stop in her tracks.
I have to admit …… my first thought …… get me the trash bag. But then another fellow gardener was ahead of us and of course went to check with Dr. Google.
(Have to admit, my brain was a little sapped out by this time!)
Then I shared my recent tragedy about a butterfly on my mint plant. Just sitting there, wings moving so I thought just let him be. But then the next day, nothing changed. He was sitting there wings moving but stuck. Oh my, this heat brought the sap out and …… well you get the picture.
And guess what, the conversation about the wasps that are trying to take over everyone’s patio and back yards …… well, Β I won’t even admit how long that discussion lasted. As we talked about things that we are doing to keep our little beauties alive this month we laughed and laughed.
By this time Riley had decided he heard enough and parked himself in his cocoon and soon a few snoring sounds were pleasantly filling the room.
So many plants are barely hanging on and so many little creatures are thriving.
The gift from God – the natural way of the seasons that brings their order and rhythm.
We are so grateful and thankful to witness this one.
Because the next season will be upon us soon.
The Autumn season of fresh rain showers will help soften our dry hard soil. It will feed our roots and command a different kind of sowing.
I know with each new season, I am in awe of the powerful ways God is filling my heart and soul and assisting me to not accept the restrictions or visions of others but to remember that time is a gift, after all from God.
To continue to step ‘outside’ the ‘normal’ box. To look up up up to the horizon and limitless space of His grace.
To welcome the joy that comes with connecting to those beautiful souls in life whose healthy vibrational energy matches my own.
Wild and messy sometimes but never staying in limited and petty life patterns.
This summer season has been full of beauty and goosebump moments and I am so so thankful for the kindred spirits in my life as we continue to share our loves and woes of each season and mostly our love and faith in Jesus Christ.
Dear God, Thank you for these summer days that are filled with so much positive energy and love from my kindred spirits. We remain on the same spiritual path and energy levels where trust is complete and our partnership is well-rounded.