We have all been through them. Some of them – you just never forget. And then after some …… flowers will grow when what was you thought; the saddest part of your life.
Lifequake – a significant and or sudden change in the trajectory of your life. It may initially feel scary even devastating but has the beneficial outcome of profound and catalyzing personal growth. A transformation, a rebirth that brings clarity and alignment!
(And for many including myself, living through LA’s Northridge earthquake, well that was scary enough). After that one, we moved back to Texas!
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But today, I am reminded about those Lifequakes of life – oh they rattle and shake your entire being and when you come out on the other side – you are changed! Well at least that is what happens to me.
Because as we know, winning the game of life requires me to focus on the cards I have and making my own choices on how to use them. The simple fact is we are all dealt a different hand in life. I can’t control yours and vice versa. And as I have gotten older and a bit more wiser, I have learned that I don’t want to control anyone else’s.
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Ever since I moved and downsized, I wake up each morning with such ‘zest’ for life. Yep, even when the temps are below freezing and I have to layer upon layer of clothing early in the morning for our first walk. Oh yes, even in the rain. Hence, a big big umbrella, long raincoat and rubber booties, do help!
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Opening up my closet is like a huge party and everyone I see is someone I like! Oh, TBT I have done a little retail therapy along the way but as I said before I will never go back to stockpiling stuff. I finally understand the concept of ‘one in – one out’ and am sticking to it. Heck, I even have some cabinets and drawers that remain empty! And no I am not running a fever, Ha!
Maybe that is why I feel so light. Empty space …… and I want to keep it that way! True minimalist I will never be. But clearing out a lot of excess and clutter – clears the mind!
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So yeah, life before was pretty darn good.
And then a Lifequake ……
A slow and simple living lifestyle is for me. And slow living does not mean passive or inactive. It means I am more conscious of my choices. Quality over quantity.
Things that bring joy and relaxation and not hobbies like ticking off a box. You know, having a deeper awareness of how I spend my time.
It’s almost the end of January and I am sitting out on our balcony enjoying a cup of tea while writing. Eddie playing with his toys nearby.
And my simple living is now focusing on reducing life’s complexities. Oh yeah, eliminating physical and mental clutter to make room for the stuff that really matters!
And eliminating waste.
I still enjoy eating out once in a while but I love cooking at home. I love trying new recipes. And I especially love eating!
And as I said above, I love opening my closet and like what I see. Hey, I’ve always been an organizer but even my clothes have room to breathe.
So why not have both. Slow and simple living!
Oh, it’s not boring, on the contrary – I am more active than before!
And Eddie and I will still be taking many flights together.
First class all the way!
But now I am living more consciously and without heavy demands by simplifying all my tasks and possessions.
Like a ‘Lifequake’.
And remember they come in all different magnitudes. Even the slightest one may change your perspective and influence you in ways that will have significant and sustainable changes to your life and wellbeing.
No one needs to follow rigid rules or concepts. Maybe you pick one or the other. Maybe you do a combination of both, it’s your life. One might resonate more with you.
The goal is to create and live a more intentional and a less stressful life no matter how fast or slow you move.
Because life happens …… and some things we cannot control – and some we can!
So from our balcony, we wish for you to bring more peace and contentment to your life.
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