Spring Forward Saturday!
Once again, we slept through most of the rain. There was a drizzle coming down as we ventured outside this morning but I was fully prepared with my rain gear and as Eddie hippity hopped his way, I am thankful it wasn’t raining too hard.
I recently bought a 2nd umbrella and I just love it. This one is a clear dome shape one and let me tell you, it’s like looking through a windshield. My other navy one is nice but hard to see things, well no more!
When we went out for our ‘after breakfast’ walk, it was raining a little more but has since cleared up some but more is coming, grrrrrrr.
What is it about a cloudy cool day when you know you can stay home and relax all day long. No pressing things to do, just some light music playing while watching Eddie nap and counting my blessings, for sure!
If you know me at all, you know that I have lived in big and small homes and no matter the size, it’s the love inside the home that matters. My heart and soul knows it.
Our home is the treasure chest of living.
I am excited about Springtime activities for sure but there is nothing sweeter than coming back Home!
Our home is most definitely a room that resides in my heart.
I do believe our homes represents our aura.
And since downsizing, my aura is now more aligned with who I am, now.
Old things carry old energy. Broken things carry stuck energy.
yikes …… get rid of them!
I still have some of my most treasured decor and of course dresses and shoes are still plentiful in my closet but only the ones I will wear. All that extra stuff was just weighing me down.
As I sit in each room, I can look around and smile at our home, it brings peace, love, contentment and big big smiles. Along with the little 4 legged Scottie who seems to be so happy too!
Of course being in retirement has so many benefits.
Living a slower more gentle lifestyle is therapeutic beyond words.
Slow and deliberate.
I’ve always been a ‘doer’, but I have really mastered the art of doing one thing at a time. On occasion I will find myself multi-tasking and I stop myself. (Years of working will do that)
Call it zen, spiritual, it really does not matter, when I think about what is necessary, do one thing at a time, create rituals and designate time for certain things, I actually feel more at peace, relaxed and happy! I have more time to devote for sitting, not moving!
Sometimes I attribute it to ‘Canine Paralysis’ (you know, the condition that one cannot move due to the presence of a dog in your lap) Ha!
But seriously, my life has become so much richer by living ‘simply’.
So yeah, I want to bottle up this feeling, this special elixir and keep our home well stocked.
Funny how bringing more zen and spiritual awareness into my life makes me more productive!
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Hey, laying my head on my pillow each nite, thinking about what I will cook for breakfast the next day is a true blessing. How wonderful life is when each day comes and there are no major disasters or major surprises. Some may think a repetitive lifestyle is boring …… but for me it brings a level of rest-fullness that makes me feel like I won the lottery of life!
And if I haven’t mentioned it, 2025 is our Champagne year!
May the bubbles and joy of this amazing life never cease.
Thank you, my Lord!
It’s Spring Forward Saturday.
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