Soar With Me Sunday!

Soar with Me Today!
Soar with Me Today!

Hi y’all!

Soar with me Sunday ….. oh yeah…. it will be safe, secure and best of all FREE!

Do you ever feel Super-human ….. or more like Super Sick & Tired?

Well today we are on a Super-Human flight ……

It’s Sunday y’all and no matter what happened yesterday, last week or even last night ….. I started packing for my flight first thing this morning ….. well after my first cup of coffee…okay okay I usually need two to get me started, even at the beach! And I heard someone say this morning ‘that a side of beach goes great with their coffee’.

So yes I woke up this morning thinking about how wonderful this Sunday was going to be…..

I know already some of you are saying to yourself ….. yeah …. well….. I live in the ‘real’ world ……….  problems with my boss, my spouse, my kids, my bills, my life, or maybe you have been thinking you need a new boss, spouse, (hey it happens) or even thinking a new life in general………

I would like to say that today started off just like any other Sunday ….. but it really didn’t!

Blue Blue Skies ….. a gentle warm breeze and the sounds of beautiful and even majestic birds flying above.  Everyone seems to be in their own private world ….. friendly and warm yet wanting to savor the moment.


I can’t remember a time when Riley was so relaxed that I think I caught him actually snoring a little.  Ha….. so cute!

Did anyone say Seafood Boil ….. oh my …… Now of course I really do brag about not giving Riley any so-called ‘people’ food but c’mon ….. he so deserves it! Well it was just a few little nuggets of crab meat and potatoes …… and anyway potatoes are good for him …. well if the snoring is any indication then I would have to admit ……. he is doing mighty fine!

Isn’t it great when your major decision is which color flip-flops should I wear today ……

So relax, take a deep breath, get comfortable, put on some beach music, enjoy the day and always always enjoy the ride. Did anyone say, Pineapple Rum Punch!!

So how do you tell someone to stop dreaming …… You Don’t!

Never give up on a dream …… 

When your faced with difficult times, know they are meant to make you strong and increase your strength.

Dreams do not come with an expiration date.

Riley and I send you love and kindness always, always, Woof Woof!

Co-Pilot, Riley the Scottie
Co-Pilot, Riley the Scottie




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