A Bowl of Epigenetics!

Oh what a glorious
Hello y’all!
Epigenetics ………
So if you have not heard of Epigenetics …… 
It is simply also known as the POWER OF PERCEPTION and /or BELIEFS!
The moment you change your perception, is the moment you rewrite the chemistry of your body. 
The cells in our bodies react to everything …… everything that our mind says …… 
Negativity brings down your immune system.
Are you wired into your biology?
There is no supplement, no diet, no medicine that can compare with the power of your thoughts and beliefs.
Oh yeah ….. we all live in the ‘real’ world.
Surrounded by a demanding boss, rushing to get everyone off to school or work, hitting the worst traffic on your important meeting day, looking down and realizing that you just dripped coffee on your white blouse …..yikes and oh yeah ….. my hair is having a really bad day too …..HA!
Yep ….. it might seem impossible …. to be thankful and grateful when your day starts off a little crazy ….. 
(Raise your vibration …….. negativity can only affect you if you’re on the same frequency)
This is exactly the time to start having those happy thoughts …… 
Our thoughts become things ….. You already know this, our mind holds the power.
When you wake up in the morning, announce how grateful and thankful you are.  
For Everything.
Fill your heart and soul with love and kindness. 
I will never forget a lesson learned from my sweet mom …..
Start your day with a prayer or positive affirmation and always always end your day with a positive thought or prayer. 

We wish you a joyful and blessed day.

Riley the Scottie

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