Fabulous Friday y’all!

It’s Fabulous Friday y’all!

I know you have heard me say this so many times…… but how could my day not start with excitement and joy in my heart when I have that little black wet nose touching my arm,  nodging me to get up. ??

I am not sure if this is a good thing or not but,

my little Riley is turning into a morning person…..okay okay……. morning dog, woof woof!

I usually set my alarm fifteen minutes early, just so I can hit the snooze button, (and yes I have heard that hitting the snooze is not really a good thing) and I guess I need to heed the signs……..

And it’s not really working for me anymore…..ugh

It seems that Riley does not understand the whole idea of the snooze button.


Over the past week when the alarm goes off, there he is……hovering over me or touching me with that little wet nose.

Sure I can say, ‘lay down’ and he will but only after he flops down so hard that I can feel his annoyance and then he lets out a big sigh……yep a sigh……. where does he get that from……HA!

So this morning as I am trying to catch a few more minutes of REM time, I can feel that Riley can’t seem to get comfortable…..he lays down next to my leg and soon he is up and then he lays down next to my pillow and then again he is up and is trying to cross over me and lay on the other side of the bed…….

omg I am thinking…just lay down for a few more minutes I say to him and I roll over.

Well after a couple more minutes of him moving around, I figure I might as well get up…..I don’t think I am going to get any more shut-eye. (Just who am I kidding anyway)

As I roll over to turn the lights on, Riley is up and literally jumping in circles on the bed.

I reach to him and give him his morning hug and kiss before putting him down to go outside.

So yeah, like you,

I have heard so many stories for and against having your dog sleep in your bed and my vote is For!

My mornings start off by looking at those beautiful brown eyes and the wet nose of my Riley and it makes me remember just how precious life is.

So yeah, I am one of those people who prefers to be a Pineapple,

you know…..

Stand tall, wear a crown and be sweet on the inside ??


I believe I owe it to my Faith ➕

Faith may not make life easy….It makes it possible

Faith means you are never alone

I will never doubt that God has gotten me through every hard moment in my life.

I was so lucky to have a mother who was strong in her faith, a heart who saw the best in everyone and love in her soul.

It left a lasting impression for sure.

I like to believe that  everyday is fabulous but even more so on Fridays!

So on this Fabulous Friday y’all,  I am thankful, grateful and blessed beyond measure.

Enjoy the day, it is a blessing!

(Time to get up)
Co-Pilot, Riley
The Scottie



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