Fantabulous Friday Y’all!

(The earth has music, just listen to it)


Oh yeah, it is Fantabulous Friday, y’all!

Today I end the work week with love and kindness.

Did everything happen this week just as I wanted……

Now that is a loaded question, for sure!

Are you waiting for something to happen?

Aren’t we all……

So how can I end the week with nothing but joy and love even when things may not always turn out the way I hoped for?

 Hope  Joy  Grace  Confidence  Love

My faith allows me to never lose the gift of HOPE.

My faith allows me to never let anyone steal my JOY.

 My faith allows me never forget that GRACE carried me here & by GRACE I will continue to carry on.

My faith allows me to believe that CONFIDENCE is silent and insecurity is loud.

My faith allows me to LOVE myself and never forget that God has created me as a masterpiece.

 And of course I am not unlike you, and I have moments when I say to myself……. just how long do I have to wait?

And that is when I turn to my faith.

It reminds me of just who I am becoming during this waiting season and how it is shaping me to be ready for blessings beyond my imagination. It reminds me that it is okay to get sad, worried and yes even doubtful at times.

It reminds me that I am real……and to be real while I am waiting.

It’s all about Balance!

So I end this week just as I started it…… with Love and Kindness warming my soul!

It’s Fantabulous Friday y’all!

From our soul to yours……love and kindness, always always.

Riley the Scottie

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