Spring Is Here

Yippee, Spring is here!

Did you know ……

That Spring starts every year between March 19 – 21 and more importantly, the amount of sunshine increases every day until summer!

Can I get a yippee!

For some of us,

it still might be a little chilly at night, well in Texas anyway …….

but no heavy stuff,

thank goodness.

I love all the seasons,

it’s a way the universe tells me to start something new ……

💐 It’s time to start a new chapter or a new book.

💐 It’s time for spring flowers.

💐 It’s time for spring cleaning, organizing or for some of you eliminating. Ha!

💐 It’s time for a little daytime warmth and cool nights.

💐 It’s time to rejoice, I made it another day!

He makes all things new. (Rev 21:5)

So yep, I think the month of March is magical!

I believe in new hopes, dreams and beginnings.

I believe in the joy of fresh air, trees blooming and birds singing.

My soul is feeling renewed.

And yep, life can be complicated, messy and sometimes frightening ……

Even when I stumble and fall ……

I remember, it’s teaching me to pick myself up!

So I embrace the change that is taking place in my life,

the universe is starting a new season and I am on board this flight.

Riley and I are buckled in, come join us.

We have nothing but Love & Kindness on this flight and maybe a little Chardonnay!

Wish you a beautiful first day of Spring, y’all.💐



Riley the Scottie


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