Why, Hello Monday

Hello Monday!

Nothing going to steal my Joy today ……

Yep, it’s Monday here too …… lol

Are you kidding me, I am thankful for everyday.

It’s a beautiful day in Texas, for sure!

If you have clouds over your house today, look up for us.

We would love to share our sunshine with you ……

Stop, listen and breath.

Yep, its us. We have nothing but our love and warm soul reaching out to you.

Sometimes it’s hard to see the sun through the clouds and rain but trust me, it’s always there.

Pick a playlist and start dancing!

A little or a lotta music will always brighten my day.

Nothing sweeter than dancing with my little Riley, for sure!

Don’t let a disappointment or negative thought rule you. Nope, life is so much more precious than that.

Love yourself.

You are essential.

Make God proud. Show him!

Keep your eyes fixed on him.

God will bring you through the fire. (Psalm 66:12)

Yep, my faith is front and center in my life, Amen!

This thing we call Life, I know I can not do it without God.

Wouldn’t want to!

What I do in private means more than what I do in public, Amen.

Hello Monday, it’s a beautiful day!

Look up,

Yep, its us, sending you love.


Riley the Scottie

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