It’s Wonderful Wednesday

Wow, Wonderful Wednesday is here!

This morning we enjoyed a cool breeze …… and we could return to having coffee on the patio.

Well, I enjoyed my coffee, Riley enjoyed the cooler temp on his belly!

I wake up feeling so blessed everyday …… however, this week one of my beautiful sisters is here …… Love Love Love!

Yep, another reason for Wonderful Wednesday, for sure.

Joy comes in the morning. (Psalms 30:5)

There is this special little bird that visits me in the mornings. It’s funny how she shows up on certain days.

I believe there are signs all around me, and sometimes I fail to really pay attention to them. It’s a process and I am definitely open to receive guidance.

My energy is everything and I am blessed that I seem to have plenty of it …… and no ……

I do not take a nap everyday …… but when I do ……

It’s like a little happy hour for my brain and it nourishes my soul.

Plus Riley likes to cuddle ……teehee!

At the core of my nature I love cultivating my home and creating a warm and gentle space.

Home is Gods idea and blessing, for sure.

It’s a place where he wants us to be at peace, feel safe, have community with others.

At my very core, I get satisfaction and comfort in making a home that brings love, joy and peace for my soul. There are plenty of things in life that may bring stress and frustration, yep life can be chaotic. So for me, my home is my garden.

Does my house get messy, well of course. I am not running the vacuum or pulling out  the  swiffer daily (can’t say I don’t think about it …… just kidding).

Hey, I know God is not looking at me and checking off the list when I have clothes to wash or dishes to clean ……

I know that God provides grace and removes guilt.

But, I do believe he cares about how we manage ourselves and the places we live.

For me, my home is my garden.

I am determined to believe.

And I give thanks for all that I am and all that is.

We wish you a wonderful and blessed Wednesday.


Riley the Scottie

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