Happy National Dog Mom’s Day


Hey it’s National Dog Mom’s Day, y’all …… all day long!

Can I get a

Woof Woof!

So yeah, it’s about time that Dog Mom’s get their day too ……

today, May 12, 2018,  is the first annual Dog Mom’s Day ……

how cool is that!

This weekend is all about moms and there is no better way to start the weekend off then celebrating with our special furry creatures who make our lives so rich.

Riley is my Best Furry Friend Forever, BFFF!

Whether you got your BFFF as a puppy, a teenager or a senior, they quickly become members of our family, fur and all!

I got Riley as a puppy and yep, I got up about every four hours to take him outside. After a few weeks I extended it by a couple of hours. (Plus the black circles under my eyes was really scaring the neighbors!)

It was not long until he was on my schedule and slept all night. Whew!

Riley was crate trained for several months and afterwards he pretty much had me trained so he started sleeping in my bed. He now has several beds throughout our house; the couch, the recliner, the love seat, his real doggie bed …… but yeah, he pretty much can sleep where ever he wants!


Our dogs are members of our family. We raise them, shelter them, feed them, love them and share an overpowering loyalty with them.

They can be stubborn and naughty yet sensitive and so so loving. They seem to know our moods and we definitely know theirs.  I believe Riley and I have true synchronization between us.

(I am a Dog Mom) BooYah!

So yep, I am a proud mom to Riley. He is definitely a good canine citizen. What more could a mom ask for ……

can I get a Woof Woof!

On our first National Dog Mom’s Day, we will celebrate with some playtime at the park, a pedi for the both of us, of course a few special treats and nap with cuddle time for sure!

Blessings to all Dog Moms, Foster Dog Moms and Future Dog Moms!

Riley the Scottie

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