Fabulous Friday

Oh yeah, It’s Fabulous Friday people ……

All day long!

And not just because I enjoyed my morning coffee on the patio this morning ……

Although, this is becoming a morning ritual …… can I get an Amen!

My morning prayer time has become so important to me. My faith continues to grow and I feel God is with me and Riley.

Just like my flowers and plants that I take care of, God is taking care of us.

I am blessed to have a beautiful forever home, the love of my family and friends and the quiet time to Be and Become.

I believe in listening to the signs of changing seasons.

I believe there is waiting in all of them. It can be hard to wait. We live in a world where we are so used to immediate results. And when they are not there …… well,  we lose sight of what is really most important …… we lose faith.

Hey, I have been there too.

And then my Bible reminds me ……

There are seasons when we might feel hidden, things are just not happening, yet you see them happening for others.

I now know that these times when I feel hidden are really just times for growth.  Hidden dreams, hidden gifting, it’s like life is in the pruning phase.

I am the gardener and my soul is blooming.

I cherish this time in my life, it is quite formative. My time to savor the beauty of nature, honor the time to rest, never rush through it and most definitely never regret it.

Just as my precious lemon tree is growing, I too am growing, deep deep roots in unseen places.

When you are faithful in the silent season, you are passing the test.

Today is Fabulous Friday.

Blessings from me and Riley.


Riley the Scottie

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