Tuesday Testimony

May I never forget on my best day that I still needed God as desperately as I did on my worst day.

Good morning y’all.

It has been a while, for sure.

Oh, I have said it before ……

The mountain may be big, but my faith is bigger.

And yeah, sometimes a whole lotta chatter is going on …… so I look to my faith to turn that chatter into a sweet rhythm that stirs me, down to my core.


There is absolutely nothing my soul needs more than God.

It has never mattered to me what people see in me, it matters what Jesus sees in me.

When your family goes through a terrible loss,

Don’t be afraid, Just believe. (Mark 5:36)

There are treasured moments buried deep in my heart, and no one can take them away, ever.

Familia is Familia!

Riley and I wish you a Texas-size blessed Tuesday!!


Riley the Scottie

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