Monday Morning Glory

Oh yeah, it’s Monday, and it is a glorious one for sure!

It’s been a while since we could sit out on the patio for morning coffee …… August in Texas ……. Well it has not been the heat as much as the rain, but oh …… how I love the rain.

And it wasn’t always like that. I would find all kinds of excuses when it was raining. Now, all I see is the beauty that comes after; like lush green grass, brighter flowers and freshness in the air.

Oh there she goes again, rose color glasses and all …… teehee.

I have new inspiration, peace in my heart and joy in my life. Oh yes, I am the beloved daughter of God.

That is where my direction and guidance comes from. Just as my silver hair keeps growing, so does my life of righteousness.

Righteousness cannot be earned by our good work, nope, our actions must reflect the righteousness already received by Jesus Christ.

For I know, that a life without faith, is no life at all.

I am getting deeply rooted. I focus on Him and not the storm.

The rain showers me with peace, love and joy!

That still small voice inside, oh yeah …… it moves me. It dances with me, it makes me skip around the house with Riley …… and it brings tears of joys for all the many blessings in my life. Oh and I know it all comes from above.

Today is Monday and it is a glorious one!

Blessings and Love from me and Riley.


Riley the Scottie


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