Thank you Sister

Good morning y’all.

I have been dancing and singing for days ……

My sister is moving to Texas ……

well,  life does not get any better than that!

My world will never be the same, yipee!

Riley and are so happy, beyond words …… way beyond!

We have been planning it for a few months and now it’s just around the corner, can I hear a Hallelujah!

Yep, having my sister here will be like having a little bit of my childhood here, momma and pappa are watching, booyah!


Getting older and sharing this time in my life with my sister is truly one of my many blessings.

You know that I love living each day and each new year celebrating what life reveals to me and yeah it just keeps getting better. So a few more grey hairs, deepening lines and a slower metabolism …… oh but life is so sweet especially when I get to laugh side by side with my sister!

Plus, I can’t wait to try out some new hot toddy recipes with her!

So yeah, I am flying in the face of getting older ……

Wake up, look in the mirror, see the beauty …… I do!

Well sometimes I may not have my glasses on yet …… teehee!

And to make this day even better, the NFL kicks off tonight, fantasy football is officially on …… this is one happy girl!

We wish you a fantastic Thursday, y’all!


Riley the Scottie

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