Friday Inspiration

Hi y’all!

It’s Friday and a glorious day in Texas.

Choose Happy!

Being happy does not mean everything is perfect, it means I choose to look beyond all the imperfections, I choose to be kind even when others are not, I choose to smile even when I am faced with a scowly face from someone and mostly I choose to be happy because I will be in control of my happiness.

I am blessed that I get to wake up each morning looking at those beautiful brown eyes, that furry tail wagging and never ending love from my little co-pilot, this is true!

Release what no longer serves you. Negative thoughts. If you consistently have negative thoughts …… well, it’s really sorta kinda hard to be happy. I mean, c’mon ……. you have got to love yourself first.

Oh, of course, maybe I could loose a few pounds, eat a little healthier, eliminate my nightly hot tottie, cut my hair, heck,  even dye my hair which if you know me at all, you know that will never happen. I wear it all and proudly so.

Be kind, to others, it will set your soul on fire.

Learn to enjoy your life.

My Friday Mantra

  • As I have aged, I will be less critical to myself and more kinder.
  • I am entitled to a treat, be messy and be extravagant.
  • I will watch TV until 2 am, eat ice cream and take naps as often as I choose.

So yeah, I love getting old. I love my grey hair. I love my life lines. I love all my quirks. I love that I dance to the beat of my own music. I love Life!

Of course my heart has been broken. If you have loved, then your heart has been broken. That my dear friends instills compassion.

Have I always been so happy. Duh …… of course not. Although, I believe I have always tried to look at things and events in my life through a positive perspective. Oh yeah, sometimes that is not that easy, trust me …… I get it.

I try to harness from a positive perspective. I do believe that living with a positive attitude is what brings you joy. Hey, we all know someone who sees something negative in almost everything. Why go there …… Why be like that ……

We all have been around a Negative-Sally …… worked with one, dated one, married one (yikes), or grew up with one. The traits you see from them are exactly what you don’t want to be remembered for ……

  • When they enter a room, they are more likely to find something out of place or something to criticize vs seeing the beauty and appreciation of things.
  • They just can’t let something go, oh no …… they will fester over something, bring it up to you and others over and over.
  • Beware of Quid Pro Quo …… this pretty much explains itself. Love does not keep score. Fairness does always mean equal.
  • ME – IT IS BETTER TO ASK FOR FORGIVENESS THAN PERMISSION. This is one of my favorites for living your best life!

Looking at things from a positive perspective …..

 Sometimes it may feel a little uncertain, sometimes it may feel like no one else gets it, sometimes it might hurt, but no matter what, don’t drop to their level.

Life can be a conundrum ……

Life really is your journey and you get to change directions as often as you like.

Stop, reflect and listen. You know what’s inside.

I hope you have love in your heart and kindness in your soul. I already see the bright light coming from within you.

Blessings from me and Riley.

Riley the Scottie



(Our prayers go out to everyone on the east coast affected by hurricane Florence)

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