Happy Birthday, My dear sweet Riley

Happy Birthday, Riley!


It’s hard to believe that my dear sweet little Riley is four years old. He is such an old soul that it seems as if we have been together forever. And yet I remember the day we met! Bringing him home, he was my little Christmas present and side kick for life.

We have been through a lot together.

Oh, all the good times and joy this little bundle of fur has brought to my life. Some may call him spoiled but they have it all wrong. I am the spoiled one. Riley has made my life full of laughs, love and loyalty.

His special swag, deep growls and such a stylish tail wag that there is no other like him. They say that when you leave your dog, he has separation anxiety …… well it works both ways for me and my Riley, for sure.

He is my warm little cuddler on chilly nights, my forever alarm clock and the brightest set of eyes I get to wake up to every morning.

Oh, I could on and on and on but thought I would share some of my favorite pics of my Birthday Boy. Oh the fun times and memories we have made and I can’t wait to make more.

Riley, you are my knight in furry armor!


Newborn Riley
(Welcome home, baby Riley)
Baby Riley


(Feeling good, woof woof)
My first antler, yum!
My best friend, Trigger
We are lucky and we know it!
Nothing like Bro-time!
All fresh and clean, ready for nap time!
Life is Good!
On guard duty ……
After guard duty ……
It’s birthday time
That’s me, birthday boy!

My dear sweet little Riley.  You are more precious to me than words can express. I can’t wait to see what the next year will bring for us. You are heaven-sent, my sweet little boy. I love you so much. Happy Birthday, Riley!



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