Tidy Tuesday Series

Good morning Tidy Tuesday  squad!

It’s a beautiful morning for sure. So much we can do, so let’s not forget there is always time to get our Tidiness On ……

My home is a living space not a storage space ……

now don’t get me wrong, I love decorating for the season …… what girl doesn’t ……

I just don’t want to look in every single closet and get depressed …… you know the feeling …… you open up the closet and immediately want to close it. Hey we have all been there.

It’s time to make that decision …… things you honesty know you are not going to use or wear, well it’s time dear friends to part ways. And another way to look at it …… is that you are deciding what to Keep vs what to get rid of.

Now that always puts a smile on my face.

I love using different types of storage containers, so when I do open up a closet or pantry, I am seeing exactly what I have or getting low on.

The pantry is a perfect place to start. Glass jars and basket are a clean and simple way to store and stock the shelves. It’s so much easier to see when you are getting low on a product. Start off with a few glass containers/jars …… see how much more organized it becomes …… and it’s pretty too, teehee.

I use glass jars/containers in the bathroom too. Bathroom essentials such as cotton balls, cutex, even nail polish, hair ties, pretty much all the small things we need …… can be organized in containers that will actually give you more space and keep you organized so you are not buying more just because you can’t find where in the heck you stored them. I think I have hairpins and ties through the next millenia, now that I can see what I have, in addition to the money I save because I am not buying more of the same.

Now that definitely puts a smile on my face.

It’s funny, how getting and staying Tidy makes me feel. It actually allows me more time to live a calm and peaceful life and soak in what really matters. And so easy once you start, you won’t go back!

Clutter takes on all forms, not just the stuff in your home ……it can reside in your mind. For me they go hand in hand. Clutter is old stuff, old ideas, toxic relationships and bad habits.

Clear the clutter, set your mind free. Own what brings you joy and happiness. Don’t let the clutter own you.

We need things of importance and significance in our home. It’s what makes our home our home.

When you look at an item, does it bring you joy? Is it your memory or someone else’s memory? Do you have the space for it?

If it means something to you, then preserve it. How you care for it means something.

Honor my feelings but respect my space.

That’s what makes my home …… my home!

Happy Tidy Tuesday, y’all!

Blessings from our home to yours.

Co-pilot, Riley
the Scottie

Prayer and blessings for all affected by Hurricane Michael.

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