Monday, Power-On

Oh yeah, It’s Monday,

Power-On y’all!

It might be cloudy outside …… but I see the rays of sunshine seaping through the clouds from heaven.

For His unconditional love gives me the power …… to Power-On!

I am lead through His light and love, this I know for sure. My steadfast soul continues to unfold.

Each moment counts …… Each word counts ……

Don’t be normal, it robs you of your magnificent self.  It’s all about who you are, not your circumstances.

When life gets hard, and it will ……kneel.

You have heard it before …… to trust God in the light is nothing …… trust Him in the dark.


It’s Monday and I am grateful for this glorious day.

May His divine grace shine through every one of my actions, for this is the only way  I want to live.

It’s Monday, Power-On!

From our home to yours,

May your week be full of love and blessings.

Co-pilot, Riley
the Scottie

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