Fabulous Friday

It’s Friday and Fabulous!

What a difference a week makes ……

From one of the coldest weekends to one of the warmest ……

It’s still feels so magical when I get to sit outside along with my co-pilot, Riley, listening to the birds sing and witnessing Spring finally making an entrance!

We have been patiently waiting ……

As we welcome in Lent and attend Ash Wednesday services this week, my heart is overjoyed with this beautiful place we get to call home here on earth.

Oh yeah, I choose to believe in sudden miracles and unexpected blessings.  I believe there is such a delicate balance of ‘holding on’ and ‘letting go’.

Is it easy …… not always. But I choose to walk with God.

Yep, even in my 60’s, I am a ‘work in progress’. I need God to keep working on me. He leaves the 99 for 1.

I am the 1.

My faith is not an emotion. It’s a decision to stand on God’s word.

I am not looking to get more done, I cherish less to do. I want to enjoy the people and furry members of my family, sit outside with no agenda, admire the beauty of nature. And mostly enjoy life.

I start and end my days thanking God.

I love all the seasons of life and especially Spring! The beautiful colors, the life sprouting up out of hibernation and the energy in the air.

It’s Fabulous Friday!

Blessings from our home to yours.

Riley the Scottie

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